Debra's Blog

Walking to de-stress… It’s Incredibly easy and profound!
Walking to de stress is so easy and a great way to exercise especially as a caregiver when time counts. You just need to be consistent.

Grief- Is my painful guilt and grief related? How long should my grief last?
Dealing with grief and guilt bears a lot on our soul. How do we over come grief combined with guilt and how long does it take?

Forgiveness- the truth of self love.
Forgiveness is a process and calls for some deep diving into oneself. Self care in this process is essential for forgiveness to occur.

Senior Driving- Is it Dangerous?
Senior driving – Is it dangerous to allow our parents to continue driving? Are they safe? At what age should they stop and how to talk to them.

How often should I visit Mom or Dad in the hospital?
Hospital visits should happen often when mom or dad is sick in the hospital. Everyday if possible so you can check in on them and help the nurses.

Meditation- How, When and for how long should I meditate?
Meditation sounds difficult- however it is quite the opposite. You simply close your eyes and you can begin to meditate whereever you are.